Past Events

Lange Nacht der Forschung, 22.4.2016, Austria

The "Lange Nacht der Forschung" is Austria's biggest event for bringing science to the public. Overall Austria, all public universities and institutions open up their portals to the public. They present their field of science and show exciting experiments. In this context, the Institute of Neural Engineering showed their latest advancements in the field of BCI technology and presented ideas of the MoreGrasp project. In several stations, people were able to experience functional electric stimulation (FES), rehabilitation devices and BCI technology. Also, several talks were held about BCI technology and the project. 


Asilomar BCI Meeting, Moregrasp Workshop, 2.6.2016, Asilomar, CA, USA

The Sixth International BCI Meeting: “BCI Past, Present, and Future”, took place on May 30 to June 3, 2016 at the Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove, California, USA. In that context, Moregrasp members from Graz University of Technology and the Spinal Cord Injury Center of Heidelberg organized a workshop to discuss and present the ideas behind the Moregrasp project. 


Occupational therapists workshop, May 9th, 2017, Hamburg, Germany

MoreGrasp is an interdisciplinary European research project aiming to restore the grasp pattern in patients with high spinal cord injury. Our international team is developing a grasp neuroprosthesis -with a functional electrical stimulation component- that is controlled through a brain-computer interface.

To this end we invited therapists in Hamburg to participate in our workshop where we presented the MoreGrasp system and provided hands-on training on all its components.
