Occupational therapists workshop, May 9th, 2017, Hamburg, Germany

MoreGrasp is an interdisciplinary European research project aiming to restore the grasp pattern in patients with high spinal cord injury. Our international team is developing a grasp neuroprosthesis -with a functional electrical stimulation component- that is controlled through a brain-computer interface.

To this end we invited therapists in Hamburg to participate in our workshop where we presented the MoreGrasp system and provided hands-on training on all its components.

Workshop Agenda

Open invitation for occupational therapists

MoreGrasp is an interdisciplinary European research project aiming to restore the grasp pattern in patients with high spinal cord injury. Our international team is developing a grasp neuroprosthesis -with a functional electrical stimulation component- that is controlled through a brain-computer interface.

The final goal is users being able to carry out everyday movements with their hands, after the successful completion of a training period. Naturally a caregiver supporting them throughout their training will greatly improve their chances of success.

To this end we are inviting you in Hamburg to participate in our workshop where we will present the MoreGrasp system and provide hands-on training on all its components, so you can learn how to use the system to help your patients.

Tuesday, 9th May 2017


Arrival, registration




Introduction to MoreGrasp


Presentation of Clinical study


Coffee break


Presentation of Neuroprosthesis (Dr.-Ing Rüdiger Rupp)


Presentation of EEG/BCI (Dr. Gernot R. Müller Putz)


Lunch break


Presentation of Evaluation scores (Eduardo Veas)


Coffee break


Training with Neuroprosthesis


Training with BCI


Training on Evaluation scores


End of meeting


Email to dkrioneriti@medel-hamburg.de to register.

Please keep in mind that in order to provide adequate training to all, the number of participants is limited and therefore is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Travel expenses re-imbursement.

If your expenses are not covered by your employer, contact us and we will try to provide at least partial reimbursement - only for economy class tickets/2nd class railway.

A certificate of attendance will be provided.



Scandic Hamburg Emporio,

Dammtorwall 19, 20355 Hamburg, Germany


MoreGrasp Consortium:

  • Graz University of Technology
  • Heidelberg University Hospital – SCI Center
  • University of Glasgow
  • Bit & Brain Technologies SL
  • KNOW Center
  • MEDEL - Medizinische Elektronik Handelsgesellschaft mbH

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Hamburg,

With kind regards,

The MoreGrasp Team