Asilomar BCI Meeting, Moregrasp Workshop, 2.6.2016, Asilomar, CA, USA

The Sixth International BCI Meeting: “BCI Past, Present, and Future”, took place on May 30 to June 3, 2016 at the Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove, California, USA. In that context, Moregrasp members from Graz University of Technology and the Spinal Cord Injury Center of Heidelberg organized a workshop to discuss and present the ideas behind the Moregrasp project. 

Speakers: Prof.Dr. Gernot Müller-Putz, Dr. Rüdiger Rupp, Matthias Schneiders, Andreas Schwarz, Joana Pereira, Patrick Ofner


The bilateral loss of the grasp function associated with a complete or nearly complete lesion of the cervical spinal cord severely limits the affected individuals’ ability to live independently and retain gainful employment. Any improvement of a lost or limited function is highly desirable not only from the patients‘ point of view, but also for economic reasons. Motor neuroprostheses based on Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) provide a non-invasive option for functional improvement of the upper extremity function. In particular, hybrid-FES systems consisting of FES and active orthotic components are effective in restoration of everyday manipulation capabilities.

EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces represent a valuable component of a neuroprosthetic user interface. A major advantage over other assistive devices is that it can be operated independently from residual motor functions. Motor imagery-based BCIs have enormous implications providing natural control of a grasping and reaching neuroprosthesis in particular in individuals with a high spinal cord injury by relying on volitional signals recorded from the brain directly involved in upper extremity movements.

This workshop will presented the current state of the Horizon 2020 MoreGrasp project and showed the  application of non-invasive grasp neuroprostheses in end users. it also included a combination of invited talks together with targeted discussions and sharply focused debates.