TUG is coordinator of MoreGrasp. Previous coordinator assignments in leading EU projects like "Future BNCI" and "BNCI Horizon 2020" established thorough experience for the coordinator role.
Graz University of Technology (TUG), Graz, Austria, was established in 1811. It consists of seven faculties and has about 14,000 students. Its location in the midst of the economic region Graz makes TUG a focal point for teaching and research in technical sciences in the South of Austria. TUG is an important university in the international research and education network of engineering and science. In its areas of excellence, TUG counts among the top 10 European universities. It cultivates a well-balanced relationship between basic and applied research. It is rich in tradition and future oriented in equal measure, with a claim to excellence in its top fields. PhD students working for MoreGrasp will have the opportunity to join the doctoral school of computer science, telematics or biomedical engineering.
The AUVA-Rehabilitationsklinik in Tobelbad, Graz is in close cooperation with TUG when it comes to preparation and execution of basic research studies.