Know-Center is Austria’s research centre for data-driven business and big data-analytics. Know-Center conducts applied and interdisciplinary computer science research in vaious research areas.
From search technologies, machine learning or knowledge extraction from big data-bases to the presentation and visualization of massive amounts of information, efficient use of information in social media channels, collection of personal data via desktop- and mobile sensory devices and intelligent software solutions. Our data-driven technologies and methods create added value for different branches in different ways and secure a long-term innovation advantage. For example, medical and pharmaceutical businesses can profit from advanced visual analytical methods for big data-bases, whereas in the field of mobility the real-time evaluation of sensor data play an important role.
In its role as an innovation hub connecting science and industry, Know-Center conducts application-oriented research in cooperation with academic institutions and companies, successfully completing over 450 application-oriented research projects since its founding in 2001. It enjoys particularly close ties to the Faculty of Computer Science at Graz University of Technology and to numerous partners in industry and science. The I-Know International Conference Series, a top-tier international conference in the areas of knowledge technologies and data-driven business is organised annually by the Know-Center.